Haze Emergency Plans

Intelligence Reports 22 July 2013 | 0 Comments

Haze obscures the clearness of the sky thereby making it difficult for daily activities to commence plus it can cause respiratory problems. You should know that haze come about when smoke particles and dust build up in dry air. Haze has been a problem of many regions particularly in Southeast Asia. This paved way to the creation and signing of Regional Haze Action Plan. Following this action plan is the Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution. All members of ASEAN signed the agreement excluding Indonesia.


Singapore is now experiencing haze problems. Haze has engulfed the city-state these past few days. Because of this phenomenon, NEA (National Environment Agency) has put in emergency plans so that necessary services like cleaning, waste collection and dengue assessments will continue. The Minister for Environment and Water Resources Dr. Vivian Balakrishnan discussed the contingency plans in the public. Here’s a glimpse of the plan:

Dengue Prevention

Dengue assessments and inspections will continue. As a precaution, officers will wear N95 face masks. If in case the haze worsens and extended, NEA may decide to cut back outdoor hours but indoor inspections and use of insecticides will commence.

Waste Collection

Waste collections will not be stopped despite haze conditions. NEA announced that the frequency of waste collections will be decreased. From daily collections, it will be every other day.

Public Cleaning

Public places should always be cleaned but with haze, NEA decreases the frequency of cleaning depending on the haze condition.

Life goes on even in the presence of haze. NEA will make sure that services will not be halted because of this phenomenon. Mosquitoes and wastes never take a break.

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