Tips to Counter Burnout
Burnout has recently been recognized by the health organizations as a real condition, but it is probably an epidemic in workplaces and in schools worldwide. It is not simply about feeling tired or stressed, but it is also characterized by disillusionment, reduced productivity, depersonalization, excessive and prolonged stress, and mental, emotional and physical exhaustion.

In Singapore where there the culture of productivity is normal; the long working hours are among the highest in the world. This has devastating results in the country’s fertility rate, family relationships, and cases of emotional distress.
1. Find a better alternative to caffeine and alcohol. Most people turn to coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, and energy drinks to keep energized and motivated at work, but it is a different issue altogether if you become dependent. You might think that you’re physically fit and healthy now, but your bad habits are going to catch up to you soon.
2. Do activities to release frustration and aggression. Don’t turn to the bottle to find release but it is important that you find a safe outlet for it. There are plenty of activities you can do that are not going to harm other people and yourself such as sports, video games, music, and art.
3. Don’t take your work home. You should rest and spend time with family when you’re at home. It’s not always about work and earning money; you have to enjoy the products of your hard work and remember why you’re working hard in the first place. Take work-related calls only at scheduled hours, don’t take extra jobs or tasks, and finish everything you can within the set work hours and days.

4. Ask for a different task. Sometimes having to do the same tasks over and over can be tiresome. You not only lose your motivation to work, but you start to question why you’re working in the first place. Perhaps it is time to talk to your manager about giving you a different responsibility.
5. Take a break from work. And by taking a break it means going on a vacation for several days, not just taking the weekends off. Talk to your manager about your problem and maybe the company can help you. Take it one step further talk to a therapist who can provide a written proof of your condition so you can show it to your employers. After all, burnout is now considered an authentic medical condition.
6. Quit your job. If talking to your employer is not going to improve your situation, then perhaps it is time to leave. This could be the sign you are waiting for to find opportunities elsewhere and take a different path. Or do something completely different.

However, remember to be rational about it when talking to your employer; enumerate the reasons why you feel that you deserve this break and why you are suffering. No job is worth destroying your physical and emotional well-being. Your employer can replace you, but you’re indispensable to the people who depend on you.